Where preventive and
integrative medicine shine



Where preventive and
integrative medicine shine

When patients enter the menopause transition, clinicians are faced with juggling many health changes in patients. 

  • How do we best support our patient’s cognitive health and mental health as they age?
  • Should we recommend medication for our patients bone health?
  • How do we undertand the changing cardiovascular health of menopausal patients and what is the best preventive strategy for reducing cardiovascular disease?

Clinicians who want to treat patients in menopause need to be an expert at many
areas of medicine at the same time.

You have to be an expert at
cutting edge cardiovascular
health solutions. 

  • A person’s greatest health risk is cardiovascular disease, even if that’s not the typical reason a menopause patient walks through your door. A menopause practitioner needs to understand how to calculate risk and support patients making good decisions about cardiovascular health.  

You need to develop short term
and long term health solutions. 

  • The treatment and support of osteoporosis and cardiovascular health require both short term ideas and long term behaviour change. A menopause practitioner needs the research at their fingertips and patient-centred resources to help patients make long term changes. 

You need a system for giving your patients information, choices and the best solutions evidence has to offer.

  • We know that a disorganised practice with outdated handouts an without streamlined protocols leads to overwhelmed practitioners and less than satisfied patients.

You need to develop short term and
long term health solutions. 

I love working with menopause.

When I first started working with menopause patients, I found it overwhelming. Not only was their cholesterol going up, their blood sugar showing changes and their weight increasing, but they also had symptoms of depression, changing bone mass and brain fog I couldn’t fix.

These high-performing women weren’t getting the care they deserved anywhere.

I realized that these women were leaders in their industries, their families and their lives but lacked a leader in their own health care to support them through this massive change. 

I realized that if I took the time to develop myself as a practitioner and create a streamlined methodology for supporting these patients, I could give them what they needed. 

I created a system and structure for managing the four main areas of care that these patients require: mental health, bone health, cardiovascular health and cognitive decline. 

I’m here to share them with you for your practice.

Dr. Jordan Robertson, ND.

Imagine if you had pre-done protocols and the evidence at your fingertips on how to support your patients in every area of their health.

Osteoporosis Risk

Mental Health

Cardiovascular Changes

Cognitive Decline

You’ll create your own menopause practice guidelines that will support your patients without...

Wasted Time

Our educators have read hundreds of papers so you don’t have to.

Wasted Money

Many menopause courses focus on HRT as the dominant treatment strategy. 

Get the integrative approaches you want to deliver to your patient base without relying solely on hormone therapy. 

Wasted Energy

It’s hard to be an expert at multiple areas of medicine. 

We’ll help you be more confident without the frustration of trying to learn this on your own.

Working with your menopause patients should help you shine as a health strategist and coach, but only if you know exactly which protocols to lean on.

Referral Letters

Menopause care requires inter-professional collaboration. 

We’ll give you the templated letters you need to communicate with other medical professionals in your community.

Nutrition Protocols

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel and devise your own nutrition plans for your patients. 

The evidence for nutrition in menopause is clear. We’ll give you everything you need.

Evidence Tables

How does calcium stack up against protein?

How does berberine stack up against a statin?

We’ll help you feel confident in making evidence based choices for your patient in all areas of menopause care.


Menopause Practice: Bone Health,
Cardiovascular Disease and Cognitive Changes. 

In this 10 hour course, we’ll give you everything you need to feel like an expert at integrative medicine for menopause. 

Patients need lifestyle, nutritional and supplemental interventions to help prevent health changes at menopause. 

Our program will hand you the resources, handouts, checklists, protocols and strategies to plug into your practice right away. 

This isn’t like other CE courses you’ve taken. We offer a practical program you can integrate into your work on day 1.


Module 1: Cardiovascular Health with Dr. Alex Verge, ND.

You will learn:

  • How to communicate how the menopausal transition naturally affects cardiovascular health.
  • How to screen for, sex-specific cardiovascular disease risk-enhancing factors.
  • How menopausal hormone therapy impacts CVD risk and current best practices for cardiovascular safety.
  • ​To feel more confident assessing cardiovascular disease risk in menopause using comprehensive history-taking, guideline-recommended testing, and appropriate risk-calculators.

Module 2: Cognitive Health and Dementia with Dr. Jordan Robertson, ND.

You will learn:

  • How to assess for cognitive changes in menopause. What’s brain fog and what’s early signs of dementia?
  • How nutrition and exercise impact cognitive decline, and what prescriptions in these areas can do to prevent further changes.
  • Which supplements have evidence for supporting cognitive changes in menopausal pateints.

Module 3: Osteoporosis and Bone Metabolism with Dr. Jordan Robertson, ND.

You will learn:

  • How to assess for fracture risk and guide patients about the need for medication or other strategies.
  • Which nutritional interventions have the greatest impact on bone health and which can be used in established osteoporsis.
  • Which supplements can slow down or reverse bone loss and how they stack up against medications.

Module 4: Mental Health and Treatment Solutions with Dr. Stephanie Bayliss, ND.

You will learn:

  • About the use of nutrients and botanical medicine, where the evidence exists, for the treatment and prevention of mood disorders in menopause, including iron, B vitamins, vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids, saffron and st john’s wort.
  • The role of medications in menopause for management of depression and vasomotor hot flashes, including SSRI’s, SNRI’s and menopause hormone therapy for its use in treating depression.
  • The evidence-based prescription guidelines for utilizing these medications, if it is within their scope of practice, and understand when to make appropriate referral recommendations to family physicians or psychotherapists.
Course Price

  • 10 Hours of course content
  • Module 1: Cardiovascular Health with Dr. Alex Verge ND
  • Module 2: Cognitive Health and Dementia with Dr. Jordan Robertson ND
  • Module 3: Osteoporosis and Bone Metabolism with Dr. Jordan Robertson ND
  • Module 4: Mental Health and Treatment Solutions with Dr. Stephanie Bayliss ND

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course approved for CE Credits?
The Menopause Intensive is approved for CE in Ontario (CONO) for 7.75 Category A and 2.25 Pharmacology, in BC (CNPBC) for 2.25 Category F and 7.25 General and 2.25 Pharmacology with AANP .  
What is the refund policy?
We don't offer refunds for our digital products. Once you have access to the course dashboard you have instant access to all of my knowledge and resources on this topic. No going back!
How long can I access the course materials?
We are so glad you asked! Upon purchase, you’ll receive lifetime access to the course materials to reference whenever you need them. You can access the materials via the course website with your exclusive login. 
How does this differ from other CE Courses?
We deliver resources, knowledge, and education that you can actually implement into your practice right away! Our Confident Clinicians rate this as the most practical, hands on, useable continuing education they have ever had! 

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